Key Presses are Laggy or Slow?
If you are experiencing laggy or slow key presses, it could be due to the system configuration. Here are some steps you can take to improve the responsiveness of key presses.
On Mac: Enable Key Repeat
If holding down a key like "j" does not repeat the command (a feature of Mac), you can enable key repeat by running this command once at the terminal:
bashdefaults write com.sublimetext.3 ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
On Ubuntu: Configure Repeat Interval and Delay
You can adjust the keyboard repeat interval and delay using
. Open a terminal and run the following commands:bashgsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.keyboard repeat-interval 15 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.keyboard delay 180
On KDE: Configure Key Delay and Rate
For KDE users, you can change the keyboard delay and rate by running the following command:
bashsystemsettings5 kcm_keyboard
This will bring up a window where you can change the 'Delay' and 'Rate' settings as required.
On X11 based systems: Set Keyboard Repeat Rate
For X11 type systems, you can directly set the keyboard repeat rate using
. Open a terminal and run the following command:xset r rate <milliseconds_before_repeating> <repetitions_per_second>
For example, to set a 300 milliseconds delay before repeating and a repetition rate of 30 repetitions per second, use:
bashxset r rate 300 30
By adjusting these settings, you can enhance the responsiveness of key presses and improve your typing experience in Sublime Text or any other applications on your system.